Welcome !

Welcome on this web site https://kroumen.com


-  Krumen Piè Primer App > click HERE 

- Krumen Keyboard App > click HERE

- HOW TO INSTALL AN APP (Bible or other)

-  Gospel of Luke Film in Tepo > click HERE 
    add the pass word > GodOrdained

- Gospel of Mark Film in Palpo > click HERE 


>> God wants to save you

This site gives you some information
about the Kroumen languages
> tépo [ted], plapo [ktj], piè [pye],

and access to the Word of God.

You can also download various documents and applications.

The abbreviations ted, ktj, pye are used on the sites
https://www.ethnologue.com/ and scriptureearth.org


On the site scriptureearth.org  you can
listen to/read/watch the Bibles in kroumen 
- tépo / - plapo  / - piè 

Visit this site www.scriptureearth.org for more reccources
in  > tépo    /  plapo    /  piè  

Make sur you watch the clips that explain
how to follow Jesus Christ 
>> TEPO   > PLAPO   > PIÈ 

Here >> www.scriptureearth.org you will find
links to various applications - type ted (Tepo), ktj (Plapo), pye Piè)

 Downloading Bible apps from Google Play >>
- Tepo Bible 1 / Tepo Bible 2
- Bible plapo 1 / Bible plapo 2
- Bible piè (beginning) 

Also: Don't miss downloading
the application Bible.is 
and under find the kroumen languages.
The app also gives you access to the Jesusfilms...


Explore this site https://kroumen.com
to find various documents and applications.

Two other sites to view > kroumen.pcworks   
and  >  Webonary : Dictionnaire kroumen piè 

In the next section, you will find the instructions
on how to install apps on your phone.

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